South Africa! What a trip it was...

Cape Town. Stellenbosch. Johannesburg. Chitwa Chitwa.

Places I had never planned on traveling. With all the possiblities out there and places I have seen, South Africa was not at the top of the list. I think it was because of distance more than anything. But with having the time and opportunity, I am so glad I went. Its an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. South Africa is so far away. Removed from the everyday here in the states. We saw a lot of the country in a short amount of time. Seeing the animals up close, what an experience.

I'd do it again!

The Rand is inexpensive. When we were there, it was worth a dime in our currency. For once, the dollar actually went somewhere.
Landscape - Wine country was beautiful with great wines you'll probably never find around here and they were inexpensive!

Long Flights! About 20 hours flight time. You really get to know the seat you are in!
Not for the short trip - with all to be seen and travel time to get there... you need 2 weeks down there!
Driving on the other side - its crazy. driving on the other side of the vehicle and road. not bad after you get use to it... right!